Monday, May 25, 2009

Week #2 Exercise 2

The two avatar creation sites were very different - was very quick and easy whereas was time consuming and complex BUT fun to play with.
Well these are my thoughts.

Yahoo! Avatars

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 1 Exercise #1

Of the 7 n 1/2 lifelong learning habits I consider the easiest to be number 2 I accept responsibility for my own learning [been doing it long enough to get those assignments in on time]. I also realise how close my goal is - the light is appearing and even getting brighter!
The hardest might be number 5 because I dont understand what is meant by creating my own learning toolbox?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

23 things

Hello Peter and fellow steppers,
this is going to be fun - I'm slightly interested in being one of the 200 first finishers as I'd like to win an mp3 player - too honest...

Friday, April 24, 2009

New job @ skills tas

Hmmm well what a lovely new reason to keep my blog up to date. I've joined the Skills Tas team as a elearning coordinator. One week into it and it's been interesting - never had the blue screen of d.... before but have now!
What's that I always told learners of technolgy - you cant break it! The box was bad - nothin to do with me.
One thing tho - we get comfortable in our SOE - v different in other worksites obviously... steep BUT okay I like challenges :-)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Carn then - can I remember how to blog?

Hi Roger,
Nice to hear from you and welcome to the Polytechnic :-)
I'm actually hoping to leave pretty soon ...
I do have a story to tell but maybe I should wait until an appropriate opportinity.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why last post?

Maybe I could reivigorate my site!
Let's see what happens - I think I will try and diarise our library changes - we're moving from a TAFE institution to a Polytechnic.
It works in NZ so why not here? I think the user age groups differ significantly. Well we'll see.
Going to send a picture too!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Last post :-( - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
It's true I've finished the 23 steps, I'm going to miss you! Wonderful learning experience and my hardest of all learning goal of not being able to PLAY has been quashed forever!!!

My favourite tools are igoogle, bloggin, delicious (n tagging) library thing, RSS feeds and the whole darn thing really.

My unexpected outcome was that I didnt want it to end, I havent posted for over a week, as the end was inevitable! Boo hoo

On a positive ending, I can still play and have heard a whisper that there may be similar steps in the not too distant future.

Bye :-)