Thursday, April 30, 2009

23 things

Hello Peter and fellow steppers,
this is going to be fun - I'm slightly interested in being one of the 200 first finishers as I'd like to win an mp3 player - too honest...

Friday, April 24, 2009

New job @ skills tas

Hmmm well what a lovely new reason to keep my blog up to date. I've joined the Skills Tas team as a elearning coordinator. One week into it and it's been interesting - never had the blue screen of d.... before but have now!
What's that I always told learners of technolgy - you cant break it! The box was bad - nothin to do with me.
One thing tho - we get comfortable in our SOE - v different in other worksites obviously... steep BUT okay I like challenges :-)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Carn then - can I remember how to blog?

Hi Roger,
Nice to hear from you and welcome to the Polytechnic :-)
I'm actually hoping to leave pretty soon ...
I do have a story to tell but maybe I should wait until an appropriate opportinity.